103 S. Bridge St. Suite B DeWitt, MI 48820
Phone Number
(517) 669-8200
Creating engaging retail displays is part art and part science. In this visual blog post, we look at specific retail displays for wholesale jewelry and pendants that are good examples, as well as those that need improvement. Learning from these examples can improve retail sales.
Well thought out, inviting, stocked nicely.
One item left, one line has 6 SKUs with only one facing!
Is the front of this spinner display any better?
Well stocked, ready to sell.
Here are the dregs!
Dead slat wall.
Planning retail display in your gift or souvenir shop is critical. In the best examples, you can see both breadth and depth to the product line. In the not-so-good examples, you see dead space and product that looks neglected. Neglected product and unused space indicate to the customer that these are not products they really want to buy. Further, displays that aren’t deep or broad do not give them enough of a choice. You cannot sell what you do not display, and you cannot sell more of what you do not display well!